Award Recommendation Baronial Award RecommendationPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Email *Society (SCA) Name *Recipient's Society Name or modern name if they do not have a Society name. Please do not use Titles. Please make every effort to use the registered name of the person.Home GroupWhere does the person hail from. If they reside within Dun, there is no need to answer this question.GenderMaleFemaleNonbinaryPrefer Not To SayAward *L’Ordre de l'Antilope d’Or for Arts & SciencesL’Ordre du Serpente Vert for FightingL’Ordre de la Tour d'Azure et d’Or for ServiceJustification *Please explain why you feel this person should receive an awardRefering IndividualYour Society name, or modern name if you do not have a Society nameYour Home GroupNot required if Dun Or is your Home Group.Submit