Youth and Family Achievement Program
Youth and Family Achievement Program
Welcome to the Society for Creative Anachronism’s Youth and Family Achievement Program, also known as YAFA. This program was developed to be easy for parents to use and local groups to administer, and designed to meet the changing needs and desires of our members with families. Participation is open to families with at least one current paid member.
The mission for the YAFA program is to encourage active participation by families with children and teens in the study of a variety of medieval subjects and activities, sharing their experiences and accomplishments with others, and create ownership and investment in the Society. The goal is to have an energetic society of honorable and knowledgeable citizens developed from within. This program will guide and encourage young people and their families in seeking opportunities for involvement in the SCA.
The SCA’s Youth and Family Achievement program (YAFA) is looking for mentors!
The only way this program will be successful is through the support and involvement of mentors like you. By dedicating some of your time and sharing your knowledge and passion, you have an opportunity to pass along your knowledge and skills to the next generation of fighters, artisans and leaders of the SCA in a structured environment that will be recognized across the known world.
The YAFA program is now open to all members interested in being a mentor and signing up is easy! Go to, click “Mentor Application” at the top of the page and fill out the form. Your kingdom’s Youth Officer will then contact you with more details.
On August 31, 2015, this program will fully launch and be available for families to sign up. A follow up announcement will be made with the full details. In the meantime, for more information about the program, please click the “Resources” tab at the top of the YAFA website. Included are links to videos describing all aspects of the program and a FAQ page. Please feel free to contact your Kingdom Youth officer if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
YAFA website: YAFA FAQ’s:
YAFA team: